- Barnstable
- Centerville
- Cotuit
- Hyannis
- Marstons Mills
- Osterville
- West Barnstable

Popular attractions: West Parish Meetinghouse, Cahoon Museum of American Art, Donald G. Trayser Memorial Museum Complex, Centerville Historical Society Museum, Osterville Historical Society Museum, John F. Kennedy Hyannis Museum, JFK Memorial, Cape Cod Potato Chip Factory, Cape Cod Central Railroad, harbor cruises, antiquing on route 6A, shopping on Hyannis’ Main St., lunch on Hyannisport harbor, Veteran’s Beach, Annual Figawi Sailboat Race, Regatta, Pops by the Sea, Barnstable County Fair, Osterville Village Fall Festival and so much more.
Year-round population: 48,000
Golf courses: Cotuit High Ground Golf Course, Olde Barnstable Fairgrounds Golf Course, Hyannis Golf Club, Twin Brooks Golf Course
Official town website:
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