- Harwich
- East Harwich
- West Harwich
- North Harwich
- South Harwich
- Harwich Port
- Pleasant Lake

Popular attractions: Brooks Academy Museum, First Congregational Church, Harwich Junior Theatre, boating on Pleasant Bay, excursions to Nantucket aboard the Freedom Fast Ferry, fishing off the rocks at Red River Beach, biking on the Cape Cod Rail Trail, nature walks at Bells Neck, and the Harwich Cranberry Fall Festival.
Year-round population: 13,000
Estimated summer population: 63,000
Golf courses: Cranberry Valley Golf Course, Harwichport Golf Club
Official town website:
For current real estate market statistics, visit Cape Cod Market Data.
For a list of recently sold properties, visit Recent Cape Cod Home Sales.
For a list of Harwich homes for sale, click here.
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