If You’re Selling – Better Start Packing!


If you’re planning to list your house in the near or even distant future, the time to start packing is NOW! Why? Because your house will show better and sell faster, and you’ll have a head-start when moving day is REALLY breathing down your neck!

Face it – most homes are cluttered. Too much stuff in the closets, too many knick-knacks on the mantel, too many products in the bathroom, too many appliances on the counter tops, and too much of EVERYTHING in the garage and basement. If you’re planning to sell your home, you’re probably wondering how to stage it. By far, the best and cheapest staging tip is to get rid of as much visible clutter as possible. That, alone, will make the house photograph and show better, resulting in the best possible price and the shortest days on market.

Before listing your home, consider ordering a small dumpster from a local waste management company. If you live on the Cape, Nauset Disposal in Orleans is a good bet. Go through the house, garage and basement, and get rid of as much junk as possible. If there are items that you no longer use but that are in good condition, consider donating or selling them. By getting rid of unwanted items in advance, not only will your house show better, but you’ll have much less to move to your new house. If you wait until the last minute to purge, you are likely to become stressed and move EVERYTHING to the new house rather than take the time to figure out what you should keep and what you should toss. For best results, make these decisions when you’re not under pressure.

For items you are keeping, purchase some large, plastic tubs from Home Depot or Ocean State Job Lot and put away as many non-essential items as possible. By doing this BEFORE you list your home, you will have a head-start on your packing while making your home look neater and larger at the same time.

Once your home is firmly under agreement, you can start packing what is left and planning your move. You’ll be glad you began purging and packing in advance because there is ALWAYS more to pack than you imagined. When you think you’re almost done, you’re probably about half-way there. Seriously!!

Closing day sneaks up on you and there is so much that needs to be done in just a few weeks. Don’t wait ‘til the last minute. You’ll get a much better start in your NEW home if you planned a smoother ending to your old one. For a complimentary analysis of what your home is worth in today’s market, please contact me and I will be happy to assist you. Happy purging and good luck!

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